A journalist, author, and columnist for the weekly "Polityka," he delves into civilizational themes and the intersections of science and technology with politics, economy, culture, and social life. His literary prowess is evident in his extensive bibliography, notably marked by the critically acclaimed "Poisoned Well," a contender for the Nike Literary Award in 2003. His 2020 publication, "In Poland, that is Everywhere: On the Fall and Future of the World," delves into the profound depths of global destiny.
Editor and co-author of the final report of the National Foresight Program Poland 2020. Author and co-author of strategic studies at municipal, regional, and national levels. Curator of the "Future City/Laboratory Wrocław" program during the European Capital of Culture Wrocław 2016. Co-organizer of the Congress of Culture in 2016. Member of the Polish PEN Club and the European Council on Foreign Relations. Recipient of numerous awards, including the Lem Planet Award in the field of culture. Runs the blog "Antymatrix."